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With Instructors guidance, parents assist toddlers in this fun filled class paced with pre-gymnastic activities and basic movements that develop motor skills, strength, and early socialization. The skills developed in this program will build the foundation for learning skills on the Olympic events:

  • Swinging
  • Bouncing
  • Handstands
  • Balancing
  • Supporting
  • Hanging
  • Spinning
  • Rolling

The goal in this class is to begin to introduce to each child the core abilities that are required by the sport of gymnastics:

  • Strength
  • Flexibility
  • Agility

Ready to Start?

Click the buttons below to learn more and get started with us!

Tuition and Fees Registration Forms

Class Schedule 

Walking to 3 years

Totnastics is a parent (or other relative) involved gymnastics class that is for students that have started walking already up to 3 years old. It is a 50 minute class that is only available during the school year (August – May).

Recreational Class Schedule, Fall 2023

Shown below is our recreational class schedule for this season.

Our schedule refers to “skill levels”, which are defined in the document linked below.
You may also download a copy of our schedule using the link below.

Skill Levels Class Schedule



11:00 am 1-2 Tod. Coach Keely